TFT-25 parameter

Multiple Feature Instances 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT)

The Key to Coordinating Multiple Functionality 4.0/5.0 for a Competitive, 

Sustainable and Resilient System

A brain and a genome-epigenome to manage 4.0/5.0 systems

Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) 

The purpose of this parameter is to simplify the functional processes of industries 4.0/5.0, companies 4.0/5.0, smart cities 4.0/5.0, public administrations 4.0/5.0, etc., increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving the synergistic relationship with society and the natural environment.

The TFT-25 Parameter is a performance measure that focuses on multiple feature 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) instances. This parameter aims to define the levels of integration of advanced technologies within a company or industry, in order to improve operational efficiency and global competitiveness.

The IFM-TFT takes into account the ability of 4.0/5.0 technologies to efficiently manage production processes, to automate activities, to integrate information systems and to provide secure and reliable communication. This parameter also evaluates the environmental impact of 4.0/5.0 technologies and their ability to reduce emissions and increase sustainability.

Using the TFT-25 Parameter allows companies to evaluate their performance and identify areas where the integration of 4.0 technologies needs to be improved. Furthermore, this parameter helps evaluate the ability of a company to implement efficient and sustainable practices, thus improving the relationship with society and the natural environment.

In summary, the TFT-25 Parameter represents an important tool for companies wishing to implement 4.0/5.0 technologies and improve their performance in terms of production, environment and relationships. This parameter is a fundamental factor for the transformation of industries towards intelligent and sustainable manufacturing.

This parameter can be applied to any system based on the 4.0 and 5.0 paradigm (organizational model of Industry 4.0 and 5.0), as it focuses on multiple functionalities and the integration of advanced technologies within the production processes. This parameter has been designed to support the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0.

Industry 4.0 and 5.0 represent a new era in industrial production,which is based on digitization, connectivity and artificial intelligence. This organizational model focuses on creating a highly automated and interconnected production chain, which aims to improve production efficiency and quality, reduce costs and increase sustainability.

By applying the TFT-25 Parameter to a system based on the 4.0 and 5.0 paradigm, companies can evaluate their performance in terms of integration of advanced technologies, process automation and sustainability. This parameter helps companies identify opportunities for improvement and plan investments in 4.0 and 5.0 technologies, in order to achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness.

In summary, the TFT-25 Parameter is a crucial tool to support the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0, which aims to improve the efficiency, quality and sustainability of industrial production.

The TFT-25 parameter consists of the configuration of the 4.0/5.0 system (industry 4.0/5.0, smart city 4.0/5.0, company 4.0/5.0, public administration 4.0/5.0, etc.) based on the distribution of system functions on independent instances of artificial intelligence programs such as GPT, LaMDA, Ernie, Bard, etc. These AI programs are designed to support process automation and performance optimization within the 4.0/5.0 system.

The configuration based on the distribution of functions allows you to make the most of the capabilities of these artificial intelligence programs, improving the productivity and quality of the 4.0/5.0 system. Additionally, distributing functions across multiple instances of AI programs increases system flexibility and resiliency, making the system more resilient to any outages or problems.

In summary, the configuration based on the TFT-25 parameter supports the performance optimization of the 4.0/5.0 system and improves its sustainability and resiliency. This parameter is a crucial tool to support the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0.

These functions (instances of multiple functions 4.0/5.0 - IFM-TFT) are systemically managed by a set of adaptive rules based on the functional model of the biological genome and epigenome (controlled by genetic and epigenetic criteria), therefore a set of dynamic rules which, on the basis of environmental changes in which the system operates, allows the continuous improvement of the functioning of the system. This set of dynamic rules allows you to continuously monitor and adapt system operation based on environmental changes.

The use of the functional model of the biological genome and epigenome makes it possible to create a system of adaptive rules that evolves and improves continuously, similar to biological life. This means that the system can automatically adapt to environmental changes, improving its efficiency and ability to respond to challenges.

In summary, the management of multiple functionalities 4.0/5.0 instances based on the adaptive rules of the functional model of the biological genome and epigenome is a critical factor for the success of the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This set of dynamic rules supports the continuous improvement of the system, making it more efficient and resilient in the face of environmental changes.

Based on the 4.0/5.0 model, all interconnected systems (e.g. 4.0 companies interconnected with 4.0 industries) are managed by specific instances of multiple 4.0 functions (IFM-TFT) which coordinate their synergistic relationships in total autonomy on the basis of the genetic and epigenetic rules initially configured by the technicians. This means that the interconnected systems operate in a coordinated and synergistic way, creating a more efficient and sustainable system.

Furthermore, the fact that the systems are interconnected means that data and information can be shared quickly and securely, improving system efficiency and the quality of decisions made.

In summary, the use of the 4.0 model and the management of systems interconnected by specific instances of the multiple functionalities 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) is fundamental for the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This model makes it possible to create a more efficient, sustainable and interconnected system, improving productivity, reducing costs and the synergistic relationship with society and the natural environment.

Finally, the TFT-25 Parameter also performs an "evolutionary idea" processing function, defined as "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives", which aim to improve the products and services of the 4.0/5.0 system based on customer satisfaction monitoring/ users and market needs, in general of the economy, society, the natural environment.

In other words, this means that the system is able to constantly evolve to meet the needs of its users and the market, creating a more adaptable and flexible system.

The "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives" also determine the continuous improvement of the genetic and epigenetic rules of the 4.0 system in order to improve the adaptation process of the 4.0 system (industry 4.0/5.0, company 4.0/5.0, smart city 4.0/5.0, etc. .) to the needs of the market, the economy, people, the natural environment, etc. and guaranteeing the resilience, therefore the survival, of the 4.0/5.0 system in the event of economic and other crises.

In conclusion, the TFT-25 Parameter represents an important step towards the creation of an organizational system based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0, which allows the management of interconnected systems in an efficient, sustainable and adaptable way, improving productivity, reducing expenses and the synergistic relationship with society and the natural environment.

The TFT-25 Parameter represents an important part of the 4.0 and 5.0 system, guaranteeing the optimal management of the functional instances, the synergistic coordination between the interconnected systems and the continuous improvement of the system itself. This parameter is essential to ensure the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of the 4.0/5.0 system in the long term.


Industry 4.0 is characterized by three elements: digitalisation, interconnection and automation.

Industry 4.0 is characterized by these three fundamental elements: digitization, interconnection and automation.

Digitization is the use of digital technologies to transform production processes and associated information. This includes the digitization of business processes, the creation of digital production models and the collection and analysis of production data.

Interconnection refers to the ability to connect and integrate all components of a manufacturing system, from machinery to sensors, control systems, suppliers and customers, through a network of connected devices. This allows to obtain a complete vision and a centralized management of the production processes.

Automation refers to the use of advanced technologies to automate production processes, reduce human errors and increase efficiency. This includes the use of robots, advanced control systems and other automation technologies.

These three elements are essential to create advanced and interconnected production systems that can support the growth and competitiveness of companies.

Industry 5.0 is characterized by the three elements of Industry 4.0 to which environmental and social sustainability are integrated.

Industry 5.0 builds on the three core elements of Industry 4.0 (digitalization, interconnection and automation), but integrates them with a focus on environmental and social sustainability. This means that companies that adopt a production model based on Industry 5.0 pay particular attention to their environmental and social impacts and try to minimize them.

For example, companies can use digital technologies to optimize production processes and reduce the use of resources such as energy and raw materials. They can also implement responsible and sustainable manufacturing practices, such as waste reduction and biodiversity conservation.

In this way, Industry 5.0 aims to create advanced and sustainable production systems that can support the growth and competitiveness of companies, while maintaining a balance with the environment and society at the same time.

To enable digitalisation, interconnection, automation, environmental sustainability and social sustainability in systems based on the industry 4.0/5.0 model (4.0/5.0 systems) the following fundamental 4.0 technologies are required: Internet, 5G, 6G, Devices for Broadband Internet Connections, Devices for Satellite Internet Connections, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology), Robots, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, 3D/4D Printers, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computers, Virtual Reality Glasses and Augmented; and the following economic paradigms: sharing economy, green economy, circular economy, blue economy, open economy.

These technologies and these economic paradigms are important to enable digitalisation, interconnection, automation, environmental sustainability and social sustainability in systems based on the industry 4.0/5.0 model.

The Internet and new connection technologies, such as 5G and 6G, are essential to guarantee the connection and integration of all the components of a production system.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing make it possible to collect and analyze large quantities of production data, improving decisions and optimizing production processes.

Blockchain and DLT are important to ensure the security and transparency of data and information managed by production systems.

Robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and 3D/4D printers are important for the automation and customization of manufacturing processes.

Artificial intelligence and quantum computers are important for better decision making and optimization of manufacturing processes.

Virtual and augmented reality headsets are important for improving human-machine training and collaboration.

Economic paradigms, such as the sharing economy, the green economy, the circular economy, the blue economy and the open economy, are important for promoting sustainable and responsible production practices and for supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy.

In summary, these technologies and economic paradigms are essential to create advanced and sustainable production systems that can support the growth and competitiveness of companies, while maintaining a balance with the environment and society.

These technologies and paradigms constitute the fundamental criteria on the basis of which it is possible to establish that a "system" is based on the "4.0/5.0 Model", and create a "4.0/5.0 System".

To establish that a system is based on Model 4.0/5.0, it must meet the following criteria:

Interconnection: The system must be connected and integrated between its components, using a network of connected devices.

Integration of digital technologies: The system must integrate technologies such as IoT, AI, AR and Big Data to obtain an optimization of production processes and an increase in efficiency.

Customization and flexibility: The system must be customized and flexible, able to quickly adapt production to meet changing market demands.

Man-machine collaboration: The system must integrate digital technologies to improve collaboration between man and machine and increase work safety and productivity.

Sustainability: The system must be environmentally and socially sustainable, promoting sustainable and responsible production practices.

In summary, a system based on the 4.0/5.0 Model must be interconnected, integrate digital technologies, be personalized and flexible, collaborative, sustainable. These criteria are important for creating advanced and interconnected production systems that can support the growth and competitiveness of companies.

We distinguish "4.0 Systems" from "5.0 Systems": "4.0 Systems" are based on the "digitization", "interconnection" and "automation" criteria and on the use of fundamental 4.0 technologies; "5.0 Systems" are based on the criteria "digitalization", "interconnection", "automation", "environmental sustainability", "social sustainability" and on the use of fundamental 4.0 technologies.

The 4.0 Systems are based on digitisation, interconnection and automation criteria and on the use of fundamental 4.0 technologies. These systems aim to create an optimization of production processes and an increase in efficiency through the use of advanced digital technologies.

The 5.0 Systems are based on the criteria of digitalisation, interconnection, automation, environmental sustainability and social sustainability and on the use of fundamental 4.0 technologies. These systems aim to create an optimization of production processes and an increase in efficiency, while maintaining a balance with the environment and society at the same time.

In summary, Systems 4.0 and Systems 5.0 are two different production models, with different criteria and objectives, but both based on fundamental 4.0 technologies.

Examples of "4.0/5.0 Systems" are: Industrie 4.0, Industrie 5.0, companies 4.0, companies 5.0, smart city 4.0, smart city 5.0, laboratories 4.0, laboratories 5.0, homes 4.0, homes 5.0, public bodies 4.0, public bodies 5.0, schools 4.0, schools 5.0, vehicles 4.0, vehicles 5.0, hospitals 4.0, hospitals 5.0, research centers 4.0, research centers 5.0, vertical farm 4.0, vertical farm 5.0, restaurants 4.0, restaurants 5.0, hotels 4.0, hotels 5.0, warehouses 4.0 , warehouses 5.0, etc.

The "Ecosystems 4.0/5.0" are all those "Systems 4.0/5.0" interconnected in a synergistic, symbiotic and harmonious way. In the current phase of hybrid transition 4.0 and 5.0, the "EcoSystems 4.0/5.0" can be of "type 4.0", of "type 5.0" or hybrids of "type 4.0/5.0". They can be of the same category (having the same characteristics, e.g. only industries 4.0 or only smart cities 4.0) or of different categories (having different characteristics, e.g. industries 4.0 and smart cities 4.0): for example, a 4.0 type ecosystem of the same category can be formed by two or more 4.0 smart cities, or by two or more 4.0 companies; a 5.0 type ecosystem of the same category can be formed by two or more 5.0 smart cities, or by two or more 5.0 companies; a 4.0/5.0 type ecosystem of the same category can be formed by one or more 4.0 smart cities and one or more 5.0 smart cities; a 4.0 type ecosystem of different categories can be formed by one or more 4.0 smart cities and one or more 4.0 companies; a 5.0 type ecosystem of different categories can be formed by one or more 5.0 smart cities and one or more 5.0 companies; a 4.0/5.0 type ecosystem of different categories can be formed by one or more 4.0 smart cities, one or more 5.0 smart cities, one or more 4.0 companies and one or more 5.0 companies. These distinctions are necessary to identify the appropriate standards and protocols to allow perfect communication alignment between the different 4.0/5.0 systems during the 4.0 and 5.0 hybrid transition processes.

EcoSystems 4.0/5.0 represent a network of systems interconnected with each other in a synergistic, symbiotic and harmonious way. This interconnection between 4.0/5.0 systems allows an optimization of production processes and an increase in efficiency, creating a more advanced and interconnected system.

During the hybrid 4.0 and 5.0 transition phase, it is important to identify the 4.0/5.0 type 4.0, type 5.0 or hybrid type 4.0/5.0 EcoSystems, as well as the categories and characteristics of the systems that compose them. These distinctions are necessary to identify the appropriate standards and protocols (IoT, blockchain, AI, etc.) for communication between the different 4.0/5.0 systems during the transition processes.

In summary, EcoSystems 4.0/5.0 are a network of interconnected 4.0/5.0 systems that support the optimization of production processes and the increase of efficiency, and are a key element for the transition towards an advanced and interconnected production.

Once a 4.0/5.0 system has been identified or a 4.0/5.0 system has been created, or a 4.0/5.0 ecosystem has been identified or created, it is possible to configure instances of the "TFT-25 parameter - multiple feature instances 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) " to distribute the functions of the 4.0/5.0 system, the adaptive rules based on the biological model, the coordination of interconnected systems, the "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives", the refinement of genetic rules, the adaptation to the needs of the market and society .

Technical details (guidelines) to define how to configure the instances of the TFT-25 Parameter to distribute the different functions of the system.

The configuration of the instances of the TFT-25 Parameter consists in the use of independent artificial intelligence programs to distribute the different functions of the 4.0/5.0 system.

To configure TFT-25 Parameter instances, follow these steps:

Identify the different functions that need to be deployed in the 4.0/5.0 system.

Create independent AI programs for each function. These programs can be based on advanced AI technologies, such as distributed AI, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, etc.

Integrate the AI programs created in the 4.0/5.0 system using an advanced system integration platform. This platform must be able to integrate artificial intelligence programs so that they can work together in a coordinated and synergistic way.

Test and optimize the configuration of TFT-25 Parameter instances. This step involves verifying the coordinated and optimized operation of the AI programs.

Implement the instance configuration of the TFT-25 Parameter in the 4.0/5.0 system. This step involves the final integration of the AI programs into the 4.0/5.0 system and the commissioning of the system with the optimized configuration of the TFT-25 Parameter.

In summary, configuring TFT-25 Parameter instances is a process that involves creating independent AI programs for each function, integrating these programs into the 4.0/5.0 system, testing and optimizing the configuration, and the definitive implementation in the system. 

Technical details (guidelines) to define how to configure the Adaptive Rules based on the biological model.

The configuration of adaptive rules based on the biological model implies the use of principles inspired by the functioning of the biological genome and epigenome to coordinate the functioning of the 4.0/5.0 system.

To configure the adaptive rules based on the biological model, the following steps must be followed:

Study the biological model of the genome and epigenome and identify the principles governing their functioning. These principles include epigenetic regulation, modularity, flexibility, resilience, evolution, cooperation, diversity, etc.

Translate the principles identified in the biological model into adaptive rules for the functioning of the 4.0/5.0 system. These rules must be able to coordinate the functioning of the system in a sustainable and resilient way, adapt to changes in the market, economy, people and natural environment and ensure customer/user satisfaction.

Integrate adaptive rules into your 4.0/5.0 system using an advanced systems integration platform. This platform must be able to integrate adaptive rules with AI programs and coordinate system operation based on these rules.

Test and optimize adaptive rules. This step involves verifying the coordinated and optimized operation of the system based on the adaptive rules and optimizing these rules to ensure sustainable and resilient operation of the 4.0/5.0 system.

Implement adaptive rules in the 4.0/5.0 system. This step involves fully integrating the adaptive rules into the 4.0/5.0 system and putting the system up and running with the optimized adaptive rules.

In summary, the configuration of adaptive rules based on the biological model is a process which implies the identification of the principles of the biological model, the translation of these principles into adaptive rules for the functioning of the system, the integration of these rules into the system, the test and optimization of the rules and the definitive implementation in the 4.0/5.0 system.

The use of adaptive rules based on the biological model makes it possible to exploit the intrinsic capacity of self-optimization and self-learning of the system, improving its ability to continuously adapt to environmental changes and to improve the quality of the products and services offered.

In technical terms, the configuration of adaptive rules based on the biological model can be accomplished using machine learning algorithms, such as neural network, genetic algorithm, swarm intelligence algorithm, autonomous systems algorithm, etc. These algorithms can be used to build adaptive rule models based on biological behavior, which can be used to handle instances of multiple 4.0/5.0 features.

In addition, the adaptive rule configuration can be integrated with advanced AI technologies, such as distributed AI, quantum AI, hybrid AI, to ensure efficient and scalable system management.

In summary, the configuration of adaptive rules based on the biological model to distribute the functions of the 4.0/5.0 system requires a combination of interdisciplinary technological, economic and biological skills, to ensure an efficient and resilient configuration of the system.

Technical details (guidelines) to define how to configure the coordination of interconnected systems (coordination of ecosystems 4.0/5.0).

The coordination of interconnected systems (coordination of 4.0/5.0 ecosystems) is a critical process to ensure the correct interaction and synergy between the different 4.0/5.0 systems that make up the ecosystem.

To configure the coordination of interconnected systems it is necessary to define a set of standards and protocols for communication between systems. These standards and protocols must be able to guarantee correct interaction between systems, even in the presence of different technologies, operating models and levels of automation.

Furthermore, it is important to define coordination mechanisms for the management of shared resources between systems, such as data management, power management, communication network management, security management. These mechanisms must ensure the balance between the needs of individual systems and the needs of the ecosystem as a whole.

Furthermore, it is important to define the monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure the security and stability of the ecosystem. These mechanisms must be able to detect any problems or anomalies in the individual systems and to activate the appropriate corrective actions.

In summary, the coordination of interconnected systems (coordination of 4.0/5.0 ecosystems) is a critical process to ensure the optimal functioning and sustainability of the 4.0/5.0 ecosystem. The definition of communication standards and protocols, coordination mechanisms for the management of shared resources, and monitoring and control mechanisms are key factors to ensure the success of the coordination of interconnected systems.

On the basis of the 4.0/5.0 model, all the interconnected systems (for example 4.0 companies interconnected with 4.0 industries) are managed by specific instances of the 4.0 multiple functions (IFM-TFT) which coordinate their synergistic relationships in total autonomy on the basis of the genetic and epigenetics initially configured by technicians. This means that interconnected systems operate in a coordinated and synergistic way, creating a more efficient and sustainable system.

Furthermore, the fact that the systems are interconnected means that data and information can be shared quickly and securely, improving system efficiency and the quality of decisions made.

The use of the 4.0 model and the management of systems interconnected by specific instances of the multiple functionalities 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) is fundamental for the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This model makes it possible to create a more efficient, sustainable and interconnected system, improving productivity, reducing costs and the synergistic relationship with society and the natural environment.

The coordination of interconnected systems can be achieved through the use of technologies such as Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, which allow centralized management of data and information, process automation, data security and transparency of transactions. These technologies can be integrated with instances of multiple functionality 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) to ensure optimal coordination of interconnected systems.

Furthermore, it is possible to define common standards and protocols for sharing data and information between interconnected systems, ensuring harmonious communication and effective collaboration between systems. This can be achieved through the use of standardization technologies such as APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow communication between systems in a simple and secure way.

In conclusion, the coordination of interconnected systems is a critical factor for the creation of an efficient and sustainable 4.0/5.0 ecosystem, and requires careful planning and a solid implementation of the appropriate technologies.

Technical details (guidelines) to define the configuration method of the "IMF-TFT Evolutionary Objectives".

The "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives" are a fundamental part of the system of adaptive rules based on the biological model, and are used to monitor customer/user satisfaction, market needs and the continuous improvement of products and services of the 4.0 system /5.0.

These objectives are elaborated by multiple functionality instances 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) and are based on a combination of data collected from interconnected systems, analysis of market and society trends, as well as customer/user feedback collection.

The IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives are continuously monitored and perfected, and are used to guide the continuous improvement of the 4.0/5.0 system. This means that the system is able to continuously adapt to changes in the market and the needs of society, ensuring greater customer/user satisfaction and greater system efficiency.

In summary, the "IFM-TFT Evolutionary Objectives" are a fundamental element to ensure that the 4.0/5.0 system is always aligned with the needs of the market and society, and that it is able to continuously adapt to environmental changes. This means that the system is able to continuously improve its efficiency and its ability to respond to challenges, ensuring a sustainable and resilient operation.

The "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives" also determine the continuous improvement of the genetic and epigenetic rules of the 4.0 system in order to improve the adaptation process of the 4.0 system (industry 4.0/5.0, company 4.0/5.0, smart city 4.0/5.0, etc. .) to the needs of the market, the economy, people, the natural environment, etc. and guaranteeing the resilience, therefore the survival, of the 4.0/5.0 system in the event of economic and other crises.

The "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives" are configured on the basis of the needs of the 4.0/5.0 system and its relationships with the market, the economy, people, the natural environment, etc. They are formulated using a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators, such as customer/user satisfaction, system 4.0/5.0 performance, environmental and social impact, system resilience in case of crisis, etc.

The "IFM-TFT evolutionary goals" are continuously monitored and adapted to ensure that the 4.0/5.0 system is evolving in a sustainable and resilient way, in line with environmental changes and market needs. Furthermore, these objectives can be used to evaluate and continuously improve the performance of the 4.0/5.0 system, in order to ensure that the system is always aligned with the needs of the market, the economy, people and the natural environment.

In summary, the configuration and constant monitoring of the "IMF-TFT evolutionary objectives" are fundamental for the success of the digital transformation towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0. These objectives ensure that the 4.0/5.0 system continuously evolves in a sustainable and resilient way, improving its efficiency and its ability to respond to environmental and social challenges.

Technical details (guidelines) to define how to configure the Adaptation to the needs of the market and society.

The adaptation to the needs of the market and society is managed by the instances of the multiple functionalities 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) using a combination of data and information collected from the interconnected systems and analyzed using artificial intelligence algorithms. These algorithms constantly analyze data and information to identify trends and opportunities, and use this information to adapt the 4.0/5.0 system to market and society needs.

Furthermore, the "IFM-TFT evolutionary objectives" are used to constantly monitor customer/user satisfaction, market needs and continuous improvement of the products and services of the 4.0/5.0 system. This information is used to continuously adapt the 4.0/5.0 system to market and societal needs, ensuring sustainable and resilient operation.

In summary, adaptation to the needs of the market and society is a critical factor for the success of the digital transformation of industries towards an organizational model based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0. The combination of data and information collected from the interconnected systems and the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze this data allows the 4.0/5.0 system to be continuously adapted to the needs of the market and society, guaranteeing a sustainable and resilient operation.