Bioquantum Blockchain Platform Design
Rigene Project is an international collaborative Open Source Project aimed at regeneration of the planet Earth according to the principles of the Earth Charter, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs - Agenda 2030), the Global Enaction Manifesto and the Holistic Encyclopedia.
These are frameworks that promote environmental protection, human rights, social justice, and peace. The project also has its own parameters such as the Universal Fundamental Code and the TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) that guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration.The project focuses on developing a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform Design to address the challenges faced by the planet.
Read more The Rigene Project Challenges, Goals and Principles.
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For more information contact the founder: Roberto De Biase | IEEE Collabratec profile
IEEE Collabratec workspace: Rigene Project - [cognitive phase]
Syncrhonism phase update [Report 1; Report 2]
Press release: Rigene Project launches Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI TFT-30 Parameter, Digital laboratory on the web managed by artificial intelligence (LDWAI-TFT) according to the criteria of the TFT-30 parameter - Digital laboratory on the web managed by artificial intelligence (LDWAI-TFT), accessible on the website Sustainable LabAI - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for Sustainability ( [].
Read the entire press release: Rigene Project - Press release: Rigene Project launches Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI
IEEE Collabratec workspace: Rigene Project - [cognitive phase]
To guide the artificial intelligence and the technological ecosystem 4.0 (blockchain, robotics, IoT, cloud computing, quantum computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.), or the global process of digital-ecological transition underway, towards the improvement of life of all the people in the world and of the natural ecosystems of the planet earth, through a set of rules that we define "digital DNA" to avoid potentially dangerous technological evolutionary drifts, in order to solve the complex, systemic and interdependent global problems in progress, such as pandemic covid19 and other diseases, climate change, environmental pollution, excessive ecological footprint, poverty, and other issues defined in the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030), it is necessary that Governments around the world and all people, organizations, associations, companies, supranational bodies, etc. unite and collaborate to develop systemic solutions in the field of "digital DNA".
IEEE Collabratec workspace: Rigene Project - [cognitive phase]
Rigene Project supporta #COP26City
Firmata la lettera aperta di @SmartCitiesWorld ai leader della COP26 per garantire che tutti i cittadini del mondo abbiano voce in capitolo su qualsiasi accordo finale #COP26City.
Petizioni inviate al Parlamento Europeo

Petizioni inviate al Parlamento Europeo finalizzate all'introduzione di nuove tecnologie, processi organizzativi socio-economici, modelli di analisi scientifica per la risoluzione della pandemia da covid-19, cambiamento climatico, inquinamento ambientale, impronta ecologica, crisi economico-sociale in relazione ai 17 obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite (Agenda 2030).
Petizione n. 0081/2021: richiesta di un nuovo modello basato sulle tecnologie emergenti nella lotta alla COVID-19 (Richiesta di intervento per la difesa del diritto alla salute dei cittadini europei)
Petizione 0207/2021: Ridurre l'analfabetismo tecnologico, informatico, digitale, ecologico per salvaguardare i diritti di tutte le persone
- allegato 1: Sviluppare una infrastruttura di governance blockchain protettiva
- allegato 2: Un modello innovativo di ricerca scientifica per uscire dalla crisi sanitaria-economica-ecologica-sociale in Europa [petizione n. 0623/2021]
Petizione 1088/2020: "blockchain-based card" per assicurare pagamenti automatici delle prestazioni previdenziali durante la pandemia di COVID-19
Petizione No 0911/2019: creazione a livello europeo di nuove città interoperabili ed ecosostenibili
Documenti tecnici

QUTAC - Quantum Technology & Application Consortium
We bring quantum computing to the level of large-scale industrial application and position our companies for a new digital future. Together, we want to strengthen Germany’s digital sovereignty, develop applications to market maturity and highlight opportunities for funding.

The first and most extensive alliance of industry and academic organizations in DNA data storage that came together to help address the world's exponentially growing demand for archival storage.

Quantum Blockchain: A Decentralized, Encrypted and Distributed Database Based on Quantum Mechanics
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DNA based Network Model and Blockchain
A.M. El-Edkawy, M.A. El-Dosuky, Taher Hamza
Biological cells can transmit, process and receive chemically encoded data in the same way as network devices transmit, process, and receive digitally encoded data. Communication protocols have led to the rapid development of computer networks.
Adaptive DNA Storage Codec (ADS Codex)
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Topics: Computer Security, Quantum Information Science
Brandon V. Rodenburg PhD, The MITRE Corporation
Stephen P. Pappas PhD, The MITRE Corporation
This document examines vulnerabilities of blockchain technology manifested by the development of quantum computers

Efficient storage and analysis of quantitative genomics data with the Dense Depth Data Dump (D4) format and d4tools
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Promiscuous molecules for smarter file operations in DNA-based data storage

Hachimoji DNA and RNA: A genetic system with eight building blocks
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Low cost DNA data storage using photolithographic synthesis and advanced information reconstruction and error correction

Lottery and Auction on Quantum Blockchain
by Xin Sun 1,Piotr Kulicki 1,* andMirek Sopek 2
Department of the Foundations of Computer Science, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
MakoLab SA, 91-062 Lodz, Poland
Entropy 2020, 22(12), 1377;
Received: 20 November 2020 / Revised: 1 December 2020 / Accepted: 3 December 2020 / Published: 5 December 2020
(This article belongs to the Collection Quantum Information)
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This paper proposes a protocol for lottery and a protocol for auction on quantum Blockchain. Our protocol of lottery satisfies randomness, unpredictability, unforgeability, verifiability, decentralization and unconditional security. Our protocol of auction satisfies bid privacy, posterior privacy, bids’ binding, decentralization and unconditional security. Except quantum Blockchain, the main technique involved in both protocols is quantum bit commitment